Grace's Vintage Guide to Rome
A stylist and vintage fanatic's guide on Rome's vintage offerings from high end to flea.

A lot of people told me the vintage is better in Italy's north, but Rome certainly stands on its own. I walked 128km around and around this incredible city and shopped high and low, visiting:
- Museum-worthy vintage collections
- Curated boutiques with funky vintage Italian designer wear
- Nameless, cavernous, overcrowded holes-in-the-wall
- Thrift spots
- Flea markets
Listen to everyone on the internet and don't attempt a shopping expedition in August. Most of the shops close for the month and do not update their hours on Google so you will waste a lot of time and emotional energy arriving only to Buona Vacanza sign on the door. Luckily I bookended my trip in Rome so was able to revisit all of the closed locations in September once they had reopened. Enjoy my hot tips for vintage shopping in Rome!
HIGH €€€€
Gonne Al Vento Vintage
Via del Pellegrino, 172, Rome
Easily the best vintage store in Rome in my opinion. Expansive, interesting collection with fair prices considering the quality of the pieces. Pure joy to peruse.

MID - HIGH €€€
King Size Vintage
Via Leonina 78, Rome
There is a cluster of vintage shops in this neighbourhood but I found most of them to be very urban/streetwear-centric/not my vibe but I really liked this one. Lots of interesting and fun pieces with funky Italian vintage designer labels.

Nameless shop
Somewhere along Via Del Governo Vecchio
Cavernous and cramped, one for the fossickers. Eclectic range, from the wearable to the bizarre/kooky. There are a few fun shops along here so if you go wandering you'll find something regardless.

Humana Stores. There are a few across Rome. Via CavourVia LeoninaCorso Vittorio Emanuele IIThey don't have aircon and they smell really weird but you can definitely find some gems.

Porta Portese Flea Markets
Piazza di Porta Portese
Every Sunday morning until 2pm. For the love of God, listen to the internet and get there early! Bring cash. Bring a suitcase to fill. They are massive and you need a few hours to get from one end to the other.

Mercato Di Via Sannino
Monday - Saturday 8am - 1pm. I'm not sure what the best day is to go is. I went on a rainy Monday and most of the stalls were not open. I really enjoyed going through the few that were so I imagine on the right day it's even more worthwhile.